The work of illustrator, author and designer Pieter Gaudesaboos (b.1979) appeals to all ages.
Each picture book is completely different, yet instantly recognisable as a ‘Gaudesaboos’.
The books are playful, original, and contain innumerable amusing details. He works with collage and mixed media, combining photography, digital illustration and watercolor. His work has been published and translated for more than 15 years, and he has won several awards.
Pieter grew up in Bruges (Belgium) with his three sisters. He studied graphic design and photography in Ghent where he now lives with his partner Tomas and their two daughters, Leah and Suzie.

Pieter was art director of the cross-media cultural project, W@=D@, home designer of theater house Kopergietery (Ghent) and co-founder of vzw tapisplein, a project house for current and everyday heritage. For more than five years he designed prints and patterns for the children's clothing brand Fred & Ginger. His drawings have also appeared in various magazines.
Curious? Take a dip in the digital archive, or follow Pieter on facebook and instagram.
If you wish, you can book Pieter for a reading or a workshop.
He will talk about his work, read from his books, and answer questions using illustrations projected on a large screen. During a workshop he will draw with the children and assist them in making ‘The Smallest Booklet in The World’, which they can take home afterwards.
Want to know more? Contact Pieter for more information!
Because his drawings usually remain safely stored between the covers of a book, Pieter and his partner, architect Tomas Vandergucht, were looking for new ways to give them more visibility. The result is a first collection of four prints on wooden blocks (square, circle, oval and rectangle).
The prints don’t need to be framed. Thanks to a hole at the back they are ready to hang in the children’s room or wherever you want. They are sold in a limited edition and are provided with an official brand name.
The illustrations are based on drawings from the books My house is in the zoo and A house full of friends. They were reworked for the blocks, each one telling its own story. However, the dimensions were chosen so that they can also be easily combined with each other.
Take a closer look to the blocks here!